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GU Roctane Caffeine Energie Gele 32g - 24 Stück


GU are a talented crew of athletes, scientists, production superstars and don't-judge-me-by-my-flip-flops business aces who share a common inspiration: to deliver the best sports nutrition on the planet into the hands - and mouths - of deserving athletes everywhere!

Roctane comes from years of testing scientifically-proven formulas with thousands of elite athletes training for and competing in the most physically-demanding sports in the world. Roctane's advanced formula amplifies GU's original Energy Gel recipe and adds new ingredients to boost your chances of success.

Key Features:

  • Now it's your turn to fill your tank with premium Roctane and compete like a pro.
  • GU started with the original GU superior mix of complex and simple carbohydrates that provide quick and sustained energy, electrolytes for replenishment and caffeine to tap more power and diminish pain.
  • GU increased the amount of histidine, an essential amino acid, to act as a buffer and slow the energy-sapping lactic acid build-up in muscles.
  • GU also add more of the branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, valine and isoleucine to serve as another fuel source.
  • This also aids in recovery and help maintain mental focus and reduce fatigue by limiting the central nervous system's production of serotonin.
  • Ornithine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (OKG) keeps you going longer and promotes a speedier recovery.
  • Box of 24 32g sachets.
  • 24 Softgels
  • GU

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