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GU Electro Brew Getränke Pulver 34g - 16 Stück


GU are a talented crew of athletes, scientists, production superstars and don't-judge-me-by-my-flip-flops business aces who share a common inspiration: to deliver the best sports nutrition on the planet into the hands - and mouths - of deserving athletes everywhere!

GU Electrolyte Brew is water's new best friend. The fact is, when you work out you sweat more than just water. So when you drink you gotta have a special Brew with the right amounts of sodium, potassium and carbohydrates to bring your system back into balance.

Key Features:

  • Used consistently, GU Brew will help you perform better and go longer.
  • GU Brew is as simple as they come - with just a handful of key ingredients.
  • Complex and simple carbs in optimal balance, vital electrolytes at the proper levels for intense exercise, and all-natural flavours.
  • Easy on your stomach and will keep you focused on reaching your goals in training and racing.
  • If you are looking for a sugar bomb, look elsewhere.
  • Loyal GU athletes rave about the lightly sweet taste of the Electrolyte Brew.
  • Box of 16 34g sachets.

Please Note: Because GU Electrolyte Brew contains mostly complex carbohydrates instead of tons of sugar, it does not mix well in icy cold water. Use a little warm or room temperature water to mix it and then top it off with cold water.

  • 16 Sachets
  • GU

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