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Campagnolo EPS Battery Charger Kit


EPS: an obstacle course, started 20 years ago, tackled bypeople with a great vision for the future, a large heart and an incomparablepassion for their work and the world of cycling.

The Campagnolo EPS Battery Charger kit is for makingcharging the battery on the bike possible. As it is not possible to remove thebattery for charging the unit makes it easy to ensure you get the right amountof charge for your next ride.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with: 110-220V voltage and 50-60 Hzfrequencies and 12 V voltage for charging in a vehicle (optional cable).
  • Two LEDS on the power unit which will indicate thefollowing: Green light: this lights up if it is powered by the mains. Orangelight: this lights up when the battery is recharging and will go off once it isfully recharged. Flashing orange light: a problem has occurred when charging.
  • Cable kit not included.
  • Official Campagnolo EPS product.


All connection, installation, removal and adjustment operations of the EPS drivetrain must only be carried out by a Campagnolo Service Center, a Campagnolo Pro Shop or a mechanic specializing in the installation of EPS systems.

Any Tampering with or incorrect or incomplete installation of any part of the EPS system will automatically void the warranty.


Please remember that all assembly, disassembly, adjustment and maintenance procedures for the EPS drivetrain are described in the EPS technical manual, which is available in PDF format on www.campagnolo.com.

  • Campagnolo

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