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PowerDot Uno - Smart Muscle Stimulation



PowerDot Duo Muscle Stimulator Build Strenght, Reduce Soreness And Recover From Injuries

PowerDot muscle stimulator is an FDA Cleared device that harnesses the benefits of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS). The pods connect to the app on your phone via bluetooth. You select the muscle groups you want to target and an impulse is sent to the pods that causes your muscles to activate. It’s that simple.

Uno Or Duo?

The Uno and Duo offer the same training programs and will generate the same results. The Duo allows you to work both sides of your body at the same time...a huge time-saver.

What to expect the first time you use it.

Once you pick out your training program and determine what muscle group you want to train the app will show you where to apply the electrodes. From there you use the app to start your training session. Increase the power (+) until you feel the tingling sensation in your muscles. From there continue to increase the power until you experience a comfortable muscle contraction. EMS should not be painful. If you feel any discomfort from the muscle contraction just reduce the power (-) or stop the workout in just one click.

  • Uno
  • Rennrad
  • Mountainbike
  • PowerDot

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